System of Care The Hamilton County System of Care site has been hard at work coordinating services for children involved in mental health services. This grant was awarded through SAMHSA and the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse’s System of Care team. We are currently serving children in The Bethlehem Center in the Atlon Park neighborhood of Chattanooga. We will kick-off our positive action classes on June 8th during the summer camp at “The Beth”. Our team, Kee Abbott and Reggie Gilmore, hopes to coordinate services across Hamilton county and provide a systems approach to families that may need help navigating the juvenile justice, mental health, education, and social services. We have enrolled our first five families and our looking forward to working with many more!
VBHCS is proud to announce the Healthy Transitions Grant. This five year grant will be teaming up with Carey Counseling in West TN and TN Voices for Children. Our site will be located in the Hamilton County area and will be targeting adolescents at-risk of mental health issues age 16-25. We will be collaborating with local agencies to raise public awareness about mental health, providing education and employment support, and utilizing peer-to-peer specialists to provide wrap around care to our clients. This award is funded through SAMHSA and the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Shauna Webb will be leading as Program Director for this program. She has been with VBHCS on and off since 2008 and worked has worked in various positions including Classroom Coordinator at RIP, Disaster Crisis Counselor in TRP, and Juvenile Justice Liaison in the Crime Prevention Grant. She has a passion for grants and reaching communities in need.
for vol voice

Shauna Webb

Program Director

Healthy Transition Initiative

System of Care-Expansion